Aki bújt, aki nem

Aki bújt, aki nem

Jeepers Creepers

United StatesUnited States90 Min.

Film műfajok

Trish (Gina Philips) and her brother, Darry (Justin Long), are happily driving home for spring break when a truck almost runs them off the road. Just as they are getting over the scare, they pass by a church and notice the runaway van. But that’s not all! Not far from the van, they spot a mysterious, dark figure disposing of a wrapped body in the sewer. And so begins the siblings’ endless escape from the terrifying, man-eating creature. Will the crazy cat lady come to their rescue, or someone from the police station?

As they race against time to stay one step ahead of the murderous being, Trish and Darry must rely on their instincts and each other to survive the night of unimaginable horror. With danger lurking at every turn, they must quickly determine who they can trust and who may be working against them. The eerie atmosphere and suspenseful chase scenes keep viewers on the edge of their seats as the siblings fight to uncover the truth behind the sinister events unfolding around them.

Aki bújt, aki nem
Aki bújt, aki nem
Aki bújt, aki nem
Aki bújt, aki nem



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Victor Salva


Gina Philips isPatricia 'Trish' Jenner
Patricia ‘Trish’ Jenner

Justin Long isDarius 'Darry' Jenner
Darius ‘Darry’ Jenner

Jonathan Breck isThe Creeper
The Creeper

Patricia Belcher isJezelle Gay Hartman
Jezelle Gay Hartman

Eileen Brennan isThe Cat Lady
The Cat Lady

Brandon Smith isSgt. David Tubbs
Sgt. David Tubbs

Peggy Sheffield isWaitress Beverly
Waitress Beverly

Jeffrey William Evans isRestaurant Manager
Restaurant Manager

Patrick Cherry isBinky Plutzker
Binky Plutzker

Jon Beshara isOfficer Robert Gideon
Officer Robert Gideon

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